Monthly Archives: May 2018

Give Green: 6 Eco-Friendly Gift Ideas

How many gifts do you think the average person gives per year? Think about friends, family, birthdays, promotions, weddings, anniversaries, religious holidays, and random acts of kindness. According to Investopedia, Americans spend an average of $935 on gifts during wintertime alone. This can take a toll on our budget as well as our planet. We

Eat More Sustainably: 7 Foods to Avoid

We’ve all been there. You’re sitting at a restaurant, wondering if a delicious menu item is worth its environmental toll. You could’ve sworn your friend told you that eating Chilean Sea Bass is okay in small portions, but someone else told you to never even think about it again. Environmental effects of consuming certain foods

6 Tips for a Fun (and Sustainable) Summer

Summertime has arrived! As your friendly neighborhood climate change advocates, we’re here to remind you that it is so easy to be wasteful during summertime activities. To help you out, here are 6 super simple changes you can make to ensure a sustainably cool summer. Modify Your Menu Salmon kebabs may sound delicious, but feeding